A Bear family

Sasha's Bears

A Bear family

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23 March 2012

It is springtime, and summer is not too far away! After a bleak winter, it is nice to add some colour to the proceedings (and some feathers too :). The upcoming season of weddings and open-air events put me in an optimistic mood, so I designed quite a few joyous hatpieces in a variety of colours.

Pink fascinator  Fascinator with feathers Fascinator Fascinator


While at Adrienne Henry Millinery, I received an exclusive and quite challenging order.

Smoking caps - new and original It was to make a copy of a vintage 19th-century velvet smoking cap (one on the right in this photo).

The copy was to be made for a very special person on a very special occasion, a Masters graduation ceremony, hence the letter M embroidered on the front of the cap, and the recipient's initials on the back.

In making the cap, I used an original vintage ribbon and tassel. 

5 March

I have made the replica bear commissioned earlier and can now reveal her identity. She is Mrs Bruin:

Mrs Bruin sitting   Mrs Bruin standing   Mrs Bruin's head 

If you think that there is something odd about her face - that it is, not to put too fine a point on it, not entirely symmetrical - you are quite right.

There is a very good reason for this. You have to bear in mind that she will be a companion to another bear, none other in fact than Mr Bruin.

I do not know his entire life story but I have been made to understand that at some point in his eventful career Mr Bruin lost both his eyes. He had to be provided with a replacement, and for reasons we need not go into, one of his new eyes ended up sort of on the side of his face.  

Be that as it may, I sincerely hope that Mr. and Mrs. Bruin will be very happy together!
Mr Bruin   


26 February

Today, as everyone who is anyone in the Teddy bear world knows, is a special day! My son and I went to the Hugglets Teddy Bear Festival at Kensington Town Hall in London - just to look, as I am not exhibiting this year. As always at these events, I was amazed at how different Teddy bears can be!
Chatting to the exhibitors, many of whom I know from other fairs, I was pleased to hear that they were doing fine this time. There were indeed a great many visitors, and they were not only browsing but buying too!

25 February

My first alpaca Teddy is now ready! He is not a traditional teddy bear, not jointed, but still very nice, even if I say so myself. I am pleased to introduce Mr. Al Packer! :)

Alpaca bear    Alpaca bear    Alpaca bear    Alpaca bear 

20 February

Email has brought another request to make a replica of an old and much-loved bear. I can no longer describe these requests as unusual, as I have already had three in less than five months!
No names, because it is meant to be a surprise! I can reveal, however, that the bear has very unusual features, thanks to the unique positioning of one of his eyes - on the side of his head, after the original eyes were lost :)

17 February

I am very excited about a new project which I have joined. 

To quote from their website, "British Alpaca Fashion is about bespoke designs and fabrics made from British alpaca for the discerning client who seeks quality and style".  

Felted alpaca bear My role is to make Teddies entirely from British alpaca, even using bits of alpaca wool for stuffing.  There will also be dry-felted alpaca bears. I have already made a few, including the little fellow on left.

A week ago I met the lady at the heart of the project at her own alpaca farm at Tippens Wood here in Berkshire.

I also saw the alpacas on the farm, and they are lovely! They
come in many different colours and have beautiful and kind eyes, like a giraffe's.
While on the farm, I also made friends with the owners' Labrador - called Sasha!

12 February

We have been quite busy at Adrienne Henry Millinery lately - not only making and selling hats but also moving to our new premises, the vacant shop next door to the original one in the Harris Arcade in Reading.

It is larger, lighter and generally better in every way! From Day One, people have been flocking in as never before.

In the midst of all this, I still made a few new hats. Here you can see my latest designs, modelled by my daughter.
Pink hat Headpiece

9 February

I have completed my first Teddy of 2012. He is called Adrian (possibly because he looks a bit like a mole, albeit a very big one) and he wears glasses!

31 January 2012

I gave teddies a break this month and concentrated on hats instead - cloches to be precise.
I decided to experiment a bit with feathers, lace, buttons, ribbons and buckles. It came as quite a shock at the end of the month when I discovered that I had made as many as 11 hats. Here they all are then:
Black hat Black hat White hat White hat
Red Hat #2 Red hat #2 Purple hat 2
Green hat Green hat Green hat
Purple Hat Purple Hat Blue hat Blue hat
Red hat #1 Red Hat #1 White hat 2
Green hat 2 Green hat 2 Red hat 3

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